myOACAS Learning: FAQ
Important Timeline Prior to Decommissioning of the LMS
Timeline to be considered prior to the decommissioning of the current myOACAS Learning at 4pm, Friday, November 29. User Account Creation sync time: Course sync time: Grade Sync time: Daily 1am Course Certificate: eLearning courses: approximately 30 ...
How to clear your browser cache
Clearing your browser's cache regularly can help your computer or device run smoothly and resolve certain issues such as slow loading or formatting issues on a website. Listed below are 4 supported browsers. Select the relevant link below for ...
myOACAS Terms of Use and myOACAS Learning Privacy Statement
Attached is the myOACAS Terms of Use and myOACAS Learning Privacy Statement.
Minimum Technical Requirements Document
myOACAS Learning has established minimum technical requirements for learners to participate in online learning environments. Your computer should meet the minimum technical requirements recommended to access myOACAS Learning. Using computer systems, ...
Recommended Technical Specifications
This document provides a quick and easy reference for users of myOACAS Learning . For a more detailed document check out the myOACAS Learning Minimum Technical Requirements Document. Consider the following recommendations for accessing myOACAS ...
Learner Bill of Rights
Attached is the Learner Bill of Rights.
How to find your grades
The attached PDF instructs you on how to find your grades in your course.
I need to change / update user account information
Please follow the instructions in the attached guide to update the details on your myOACAS profile within your current organization. If you have moved to a different Children’s Aid Society, you cannot update your own profile. In such a case, you must ...
I need to cancel my course registration
Provide your name, course title, date of your scheduled session and the reason for your cancellation to "Contact myOACAS support" as soon as possible. To support a positive learning environment and to assist in reliable planning, OACAS Learning ...
Where can I find my course?
Course Registrations are processed four times daily at 10:00 am, 2:00 pm, 6:00 pm and 1:00 am. Learners can access their courses after the processing time. For example, if a registration is submitted at 9:00 am, you can find and access the course ...
I created an account on, but I can’t log in
User account activations are processed three times daily: at 11:30 am, 4:30 pm and 11:30 pm. New users can access myOACAS Learning Portal after the next scheduled processing time. For example, if applicants complete this step (confirmation that ...
I don’t see the course I want to register for
If you searched for a course with no results, please ensure that you are typing the Course Title in the search field, and that you have the correct spelling. For best results, you may want to type a single keyword. For example, you can type in the ...
Why can’t I see my grades in my Planned Courses?
There is a delay in bringing in the grades for all courses from myOACAS Learning to the Portal. In the meantime, please continue to check your completion status by clicking on the "Grades" tab in your course in myOACAS Learning.
How can I access my course completion certificate?
Certificates of completion are available for all courses. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on accessing your own course certificate in myOACAS Learning. Please see the attached PDF document below.